earth´s moon.


This report is on earth’s moon.It will talk about how far away the moon is from earth,and  how big the moon is.

Earth has one moon, Earth’s moon does not have a name ,we just call it the moon.and the moon is 384,400 km away.and it is 1.737.4 km wide.

 Lots of spacecrafts are made so astronauts can fly to space. That is how astronauts get to the Space Station.That is where the astronauts live in space too.

This report was about the earth’s talked about how far away the moon is fromearth,and how wide the moon is by.

By Isaac

my narrative writing-the dragonet prophecy.

When the war has lasted twenty years…                                Of three queens who Blister,Blaze,and Burn.

The dragonets will come.                                                           Tow shall die and one shall learn

When the land is soaked in blood and tears…                       If she bows to a fate that is stronger and higher,

The dragonets will come.                                                          She´ll have the power of wings of fire.


Find the seawing egg of deepest blue,

Wings of night shall come to you.


The largest egg in mountain high

Will give you the wings of sky.


For wings of earth search through the mud

For an egg the color of dragon blood.

And hidden alone from the rival queens,

The sandwing egg awaits unseen.

all about me 2023

Kia ora 

My name is Isaac and I am a year 5.
My teacher is Miss Salton.

Some of my favourite things are: roblox, wings of fire, blue, stingray

My hobbies include: programming
When I grow up, I want to be:

Here is me powerpuffed!